Monday, July 19, 2010

Shoe Stay-cation

Whew! It's been hot here, folks.  We've been doing alot of swimming with visiting family, and it's been fun.  And man, have I had a sweet-tooth lately, too!  Check out all this adorableness:

Well today my mom and my aunt and I, tracked down a great Thrift Store:  Eco Thrift.  We 'bout wore ourselves out with shopping.  I went a little shoe crazy.  We were highly amused by these disastrous jeans; they were split open at the bottom.  

Well, anyhoo, ......then I decided it might be fun to cruise on over to the Asian Supermarket,  And we found alot of interesting wares, there.  It's more like an international market.  There were products from all over the globe.  I snapped some pics of the calabasa melons and the ginormous durians.  If you've eaten a durian or "jack fruit", leave a comment to tell me what it tastes like. See the watermelons in the background that look small in comparison?  Have you ever eaten a lotus seed? I haven't, but I am curious.  How about "hot fruit-flavored jerky"?  I'm not curious about that one.  

All in all, it was a fun stay-cation in the good ol' "Sac Town"!